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Natural gas to play major role in economic development of North Dakota

19+ hour, 18+ min ago — 

...North Dakota is a major exporter of natural gas, and the state commerce... ...department says it has the potential to bring billions of dollars...

favicon grandforksherald.com > news > local

Lt. Dwight Love named interim Grand Forks police chief

19+ hour, 17+ min ago — 

...Dwight Love named interim Grand Forks police chief He will take... ...GRAND FORKS — In light of Grand Forks Police Chief Mark Nelson's...

favicon msn.com > en-us > health > nutrition

Conference aims to be an oasis in North Dakota’s “health services desert”

1+ day, 19+ hour ago — 

...According to the Health Resources and Services Administration, about... ...In North Dakota, there’s more than just a shortage in mental health...

favicon msn.com > en-us > health > other

Wednesday is VNL Cares Impact Day for Make-A-Wish North Dakota

2+ day, 47+ min ago — 

...September 18 is the VNL Cares Impact Day supporting Make-A-Wish North Dakota...

favicon thedickinsonpress.com > lifestyle

Sorry Kansas, Dorothy was from Dakota

1+ day, 18+ hour ago — 

...Author of “The Wonderful World of Oz,” Lyman Frank Baum was born... ...Gale (as played by Minnesota native Judy Garland ) lived on a Kansas... ...Clarkson Gage, and sister, Julia Gage Carpenter, the Baums moved... ...His father, Usher Burdick, served North Dakota in Congress and as...

favicon msn.com > en-us > news > politics

2024 North Dakota Voter Guide published

1+ day, 21+ hour ago — 

...The League of Women Voters of North Dakota (LWVND) has published... ...its statewide VOTE411 guide, to help state residents learn more about...

favicon kvrr.com

Grand Forks Police Chief Mark Nelson will retire Friday

1+ day, 13+ hour ago — 

...Grand Forks Police Chief Mark Nelson will retire Friday GRAND FORKS... ...Nelson joined the Grand Forks Police Department in September 1988...

favicon grandforksherald.com > news

Study recommends shifting state dollars away from Bank of North Dakota

1+ day, 18+ hour ago — 

...’s Government Finance Committee.... ...of North Dakota,” Kevan said.... ...Alexis Baxley, president of the Independent Community Banks of North... ...Bank of North Dakota CEO Don Morgan, who has led the bank for roughly...

favicon newsdakota.com

Jamestown Airport Sees Steady Growth Amid Record-Setting August for North Dakota Air Travel

1+ day, 13+ hour ago — 

...The North Dakota Aeronautics Commission (NDAC) announced that 108,035... ...of Sun Country Airlines’ direct flights to Las Vegas, running from...

favicon msn.com > en-us > news > us

Judge overturns North Dakota's abortion ban, citing 'a woman's fundamental right'

1+ week, 20+ hour ago — 

...Burleigh County District Judge Bruce Romanick ruled that the state's... ...abortion law violates North Dakota Constitution's due process protections...


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